Thursday 3 October 2024

Little Thought 3

In a recent UCB word for the day I read “When people attempt to use situations to destroy you, God can use them to develop you. He delights in turning crucifixions into resurrections”. Gosh that’s amazing, isn’t it?! 

In Malachi 3 v 6 God says, “I am the Lord, I change not”. I find it so reassuring to know that the God of resurrections is the same today as he was back in Malachi’s day … steadfast and constant. His desire and greatest delight is always to improve us, nurture and refine us. Our responsibility is to simply allow it

Surely living in the reality of resurrection whatever it is you have been through, or are currently enduring, enables a perspective of hope and provides a platform for peace, knowing that the one true God seeks a better future for you as an individual. I for one, want to start claiming this truth in my life.

Ingrid x

Thursday 26 September 2024

Little Thought 2

I have been a victim and am a survivor of domestic abuse. I have experienced fear and isolation; I have felt ostracised and condemned. During a global pandemic I have been a lone parent to a 4yr old and 2yr old twins whilst representing myself through court. I know what it is like to see and feel only darkness … seemingly no hope or light. God’s voice and presence appear absent.

Yet I agree with the sentiment that faith does see best in the dark even if we’re not always aware of it. How did I or do you get through that particular day? My only answer can be ‘Yet not I but through Christ in me’ … my only true hope for any security in this life and the next, is Jesus. If He is in me then He will carry me whether I recognise His presence or not.

Many of you will know the passage in Isaiah 61 which talks about beauty from ashes. When something or someone feels so broken and so helpless, it is only ever God who can pour that oil of joy and perfect the beautification of what has been crushed.
Remember God cannot lie. He is the righteous judge. He is a faithful God. He is never weary of listening and helping. Despite our doubt and fears, He is ever present, in fact He is upstream … ahead of us, paving the way for our next step, our next breath on this temporary journey called life on earth.

Ingrid x

Sunday 15 September 2024

Little Thought 1

I recently went on a morning dog walk and the verse from Psalm 8 popped into my head ‘Oh Lord our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth’, and the words that seemed to appear highlighted were ‘in all the earth’. 

I tend to see God in forests; in trees; in bluebell woods; in the beauty of bird song. I live in a rural village setting and that’s where I hear God, that’s where I feel at peace and can just meditate and pray while I’m out walking or just sitting in my garden.

And yet in ‘all the earth’… it just struck me that no matter where you are; no matter your surroundings … whether you’re in a desert; up a mountain; in a very stark, flat landscape without trees or in the middle of a bustling city … in the humid heat of a rainforest or in the cooler temperatures of the Arctic terrain, God knows you … You can find God, and His name can be exalted. 

His name is great, no matter your geographical location and environmental surroundings … God is good; God is there … God sees and God cares … whatever your immediate circumstances involve, you can talk to Him and you can choose to praise His name.

Ingrid x

Friday 7 June 2024

Relinquishing Control

Hello my lovely readers.

I've been feeling a pull toward writing again, so here I am simply to share my recent thoughts as jumbled as they may be!

Something which has often been my stark reality is the struggle between retaining some form of control in my life, or particularly a specific area of my life at a certain time, versus a true and total dependance on God.

I suppose it comes down to knowledge and trust. Knowing who to trust ... Knowing God our Father enough to implicitly trust that he will most definitely listen, care, see and provide. He doesn't need to be early and he most certainly won't be late because his timing is perfect and his will and way are always for our best. 

That may suggest that if I struggle to trust him and keep clawing at self-sufficiency and control, I don't really know him enough, because if I did then I wouldn't get so anxious. That could well be the case ... in fact who among us can boast a full and comprehensive knowledge of God? So yes, I do need to daily increase my knowledge of him and this will emphatically develop a natural dependence on him for all things.

However, I am a huge advocate for the plight of the daily grind and the constraints our humanity has on us. It's my reality that I am more often distracted by day to day life than my dependence on God. I've been on the receiving end of a very controlling relationship and to say the least, it's not nice. As a consequence I am protective about the things I can control when it comes to my children and my home most especially. It's hard to 'let go' and 'let God' sometimes.

Right now the best that I can do is to see God's hand in my life through the reflection of experiences and to know that his provision has always been best, it's never been late and throughout the struggle times, he's helped carry me through. He will continue to do this ... the Bible is full of promises to this effect and as God cannot lie, I can safely settle into the knowledge that his unchangeable, constant care will never end or take a break.

I heard this: "When God is all I have, I realise God is all I need". I need to live more like that. It evokes freedom and diminishes anxiety.

Ingrid x

Friday 24 May 2024

A request for feedback

Hello lovely readers.

Just a quick post to ask if anyone is still reading this blog and if so, would you like me to start it up again and write some more musings and ramblings about my faith in the frenzy of life?

Please comment and let me know.

Thank you and God bless. 

Ingrid x

Monday 25 September 2023

A piece of audio work ~ Sleep To The Psalms

Hi Folks

It's been a while and I've decided to reappear to chat some more if that's ok!

I've completed a piece of audio work which is simply a selection of Psalms read in a calm way to induce relaxation and sleep. Please see the link below (I think you may have to copy and paste it in). It is in Audible, iTunes and the various platforms of Amazon (the link is for If you like it, please could you leave me a review? Thank you so much.

Love to you all

Ingrid x

Thursday 8 September 2022

The end of an era

“Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves - from our recklessness or our greed. God sent into the world a unique person - neither a philosopher nor a general, important though they are, but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love.”

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

(Charlie Mackesy)

The link below to an obituary written by Mark Greene is well worth the read:

Ingrid x

Little Thought 3

In a recent UCB word for the day I read “When people attempt to use situations to destroy you, God can use them to develop you. He delights ...