Monday 25 September 2023

A piece of audio work ~ Sleep To The Psalms

Hi Folks

It's been a while and I've decided to reappear to chat some more if that's ok!

I've completed a piece of audio work which is simply a selection of Psalms read in a calm way to induce relaxation and sleep. Please see the link below (I think you may have to copy and paste it in). It is in Audible, iTunes and the various platforms of Amazon (the link is for If you like it, please could you leave me a review? Thank you so much.

Love to you all

Ingrid x

Thursday 8 September 2022

The end of an era

“Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves - from our recklessness or our greed. God sent into the world a unique person - neither a philosopher nor a general, important though they are, but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love.”

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

(Charlie Mackesy)

The link below to an obituary written by Mark Greene is well worth the read:

Ingrid x

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Let’s be more like nature 😊

I love this … ‘there may be no wifi in the forest, but I promise you’ll find a better connection’.

Why is it that nature is so calming and renewing? Whether it be in a forest, on a beach or up a mountain … watching birds, fish or animals.

I recently mused upon the fact that creation is simply obedient to its creator. It’s in tune with what it was created to do.

Sure it’s been messed up through human choices and interference since the perfect beginning in eden, but it is still less hindered than we our in it's relationship with it's maker.

We use our ability to choose; our god given free will, to wander well off piste, pretty often stubbornly and deliberately so. We presume we know better and can choose more wisely than the one who created us for a distinct purpose.

Our disobedience and wayward nature leads us far off from the peaceful tranquility of simply knowing that our creators way is best and most beautiful. Maybe that’s why we are drawn, mind and soul, to the simple flow and continuance of what nature has to offer, admiring its predictability throughout the seasons and the reassurance that brings.

It has no issue in obeying its masters voice. Look at the examples throughout the Bible, there are many! 

Hungry lions keeping their mouths shut for a whole night whilst a tasty meal was right amongst them; a large fish being made to swallow (without eating) a man and then spit him out again; a bush having to be on fire but not get burnt; a gourd growing especially to provide immediate shelter and then a worm being told to eat it the next morning; a fish producing money to pay taxes; a storm instantly calmed; a venomous snake bite producing no poisonous effect; the sun standing still for an extra hour; fire coming down from heaven to consume lots of water; a donkey talking; ravens bringing food to a man … I won’t go on.

I reckon we should take a lesson from our beautiful world and interfere less through our own presumptions and opinions, but rather take stock of the instructions and leading we are given through God’s word and his Holy Spirit. If we align with His wishes then we will walk in harmony with the flow and direction our lives were designed to have and take. 

Ingrid x

Monday 29 August 2022

What do I truly value and in what order?

I’m recovering from some fairly major abdominal surgery.

I just about make ends meet each month financially.

That’s just my current reality. So when reading the quote from Billy Graham it made me stop and think.

I value my health, especially at my age with three young children … that’s why I’ve had the surgery done. We are given precious bodies to live in and have a duty to care for them well.

I value money and resources because without them it’s pretty hard to exist! I have learnt to manage on less and to still share what I have. Often in return I receive unexpected blessings / gifts from others.

I have to agree with Billy though, that underpinning everything else is our character, and how that character is shaped and shared, will in turn effect everything else.

You loose your character, and your health and wealth will become disproportionate… warped in their status. It could go one way or another … they may suddenly become the be all and end all; of vital importance and meaning … or disregarded as though on a self-distruct regime; a negative spiraling into a dark place.

The maintenance of balance is key. Inner character … integrity, honesty, spirituality, kindness, empathy, compassion, community should trump the externals of image and status. Those who have it the right way round and maintain it as such, are such a blessing to be around, it is a privilege to spend time in their company. It’s almost like they are a floating a little above the twisted pulls of materialism and outward appearance.

It’s how God designed us and wishes us to be. The inward trumps the outward.

“You desire truth (faithfulness; Integrity) in the inward parts” Psalm 51v6.

“… for man looks at the outward appearance; but God looks at the heart” 1 Samuel 16v7.

The Bible is full of verses commending the development of good character over riches and popularity both in the old and new testaments … worth taking note and keeping a right perspective with our priorities in order … daily.

Ingrid x

Thursday 25 August 2022

Tuesday 16 August 2022

What am I like?


Same old same old.

What's she on about now you may well ask? Honestly I'm just sharing because I'm frustrated, disappointed and ashamed of myself.

Statement of fact: I do not prioritise prayer.

Crazy but it's true. Why? I don't really know.

'They' (that infamous, unidentifiable, opinionated bunch of all knowing people) say that 'if you want something enough then you'll do whatever it takes to get it / do it'. Maybe that's true and I just don't want to do it or see it as important enough. Or maybe I'm lazy and just 'wing it', using prayer as an on-the-go ad-hock communication portal to the divine.

Silly thing is that I know it's important, vital even. I also know it works and makes a vast difference to every aspect of life but primarily to the development of a personal understanding of who God is.

So yes it's all very well me praying in the middle of the night that God would somehow help me get comfy enough to sleep! I like conversation about every day real issues that present themselves ... we should be able to talk to God about these things and he does care. However for my prayer life to be limited most days, to this, is not adequate for spiritual growth or a genuine belief in the seriousness of what prayer is for and about.

So hey ho, I have no answers or magic solution but I know the struggle is real and my feeling of inadequate despondency in relation to my prayer life won't somehow make it all better tomorrow ... it's more of a need for daily check ins and accountability along with the belief that I have a powerful resource to hand which I would be most wise to utilise to it's fullest potential!

You know what's kind of worse? The fact that I rely on others to pray for me and I enormously value those prayers because I gain the benefit from them! How one dimensional and pretty self-indulgent. 

The reality is that I need to take this one step at a time, and maybe the initial baby step is to fiercely protect the first minute of my waking day (until it becomes my new normal) to acknowledge God's presence in simple worship of Him. He gave me life, designed me and loves me beyond measure ... why wouldn't I want to speak to Him and thank Him before the activities of the day begin?

I'll try.

Ingrid x

“Father thank you for being faithful when I’m so fickle”.

Thursday 4 August 2022

Calm conquers Fear

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28–30 MSG)

I love these verses in The Message … learn the unforced rhythms of grace … live freely and lightly! Sounds so lovely doesn’t it? And indeed it is.

We often stumble and confuse ourselves by assuming the freedom and rest found in Christ dovetail with positive feelings and an almost tranquil state of being. Life isn’t generally like that I think you’ll agree.

I am very reassured that in the midst of a storm, whatever storm that may be, with Christ at the centre of your life and the focus of your mind, it is still possible to live freely and find His rest. It’s not airy fairy … it’s not only applicable to the serene, restful, happy days. It’s much deeper and more powerful than that.

This is the type of freedom, grace, and peace which has the power to defeat giants and to weather any storm.

I am fearful. I have surgery coming up and a few new challenges within the coming months. Humanly speaking it’s daunting and I will be scared, upset, doubting, lacking in confidence and will struggle. Why? Because I’m human. However, even when in the throes of those fears I can still find the deep, solid surety of Christ’s calm … His steadying hand and His powerful peace. That’s what’s tremendous to me!

It’s within those darkest moments when doubt and fear raise their heads that the cry out to God for help can release the inner floodgates through the Holy Spirit, pervading every part of you with a calm and peace powerful enough to prevail.

I find that when I raise my eyes up from my fear to my Lord, I am filled with a peace that calms my very being and even enables me to praise. By praising, the fear which loomed so large becomes smaller. Just like David, horrified that some giant would defy his God, did not measure the size of fear or the fear of the size of ‘the problem’ but rather focused his whole being on the size and might of the champion he had at his disposal … God, the creator of heaven and earth!

That’s what faith does when you have a personal knowledge of who God is ðŸ˜Š.

I love this song by Natalie Grant; ‘Praise You in this Storm’:

Ingrid x

A piece of audio work ~ Sleep To The Psalms

Hi Folks It's been a while and I've decided to reappear to chat some more if that's ok! I've completed a piece of audio work...