Thursday 26 September 2024

Little Thought 2

I have been a victim and am a survivor of domestic abuse. I have experienced fear and isolation; I have felt ostracised and condemned. During a global pandemic I have been a lone parent to a 4yr old and 2yr old twins whilst representing myself through court. I know what it is like to see and feel only darkness … seemingly no hope or light. God’s voice and presence appear absent.

Yet I agree with the sentiment that faith does see best in the dark even if we’re not always aware of it. How did I or do you get through that particular day? My only answer can be ‘Yet not I but through Christ in me’ … my only true hope for any security in this life and the next, is Jesus. If He is in me then He will carry me whether I recognise His presence or not.

Many of you will know the passage in Isaiah 61 which talks about beauty from ashes. When something or someone feels so broken and so helpless, it is only ever God who can pour that oil of joy and perfect the beautification of what has been crushed.
Remember God cannot lie. He is the righteous judge. He is a faithful God. He is never weary of listening and helping. Despite our doubt and fears, He is ever present, in fact He is upstream … ahead of us, paving the way for our next step, our next breath on this temporary journey called life on earth.

Ingrid x

Sunday 15 September 2024

Little Thought 1

I recently went on a morning dog walk and the verse from Psalm 8 popped into my head ‘Oh Lord our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth’, and the words that seemed to appear highlighted were ‘in all the earth’. 

I tend to see God in forests; in trees; in bluebell woods; in the beauty of bird song. I live in a rural village setting and that’s where I hear God, that’s where I feel at peace and can just meditate and pray while I’m out walking or just sitting in my garden.

And yet in ‘all the earth’… it just struck me that no matter where you are; no matter your surroundings … whether you’re in a desert; up a mountain; in a very stark, flat landscape without trees or in the middle of a bustling city … in the humid heat of a rainforest or in the cooler temperatures of the Arctic terrain, God knows you … You can find God, and His name can be exalted. 

His name is great, no matter your geographical location and environmental surroundings … God is good; God is there … God sees and God cares … whatever your immediate circumstances involve, you can talk to Him and you can choose to praise His name.

Ingrid x

Little Thought 3

In a recent UCB word for the day I read “When people attempt to use situations to destroy you, God can use them to develop you. He delights ...