Sunday 31 January 2021

The simple beauty of a snowdrop

I had a little walk today whilst it was snowing. The snowdrops are out in their numerous clusters.  It's so easy to see them in bunches with their little heads bowed over ... they look beautiful like that and are such a welcome sight.  But to take an individual one and look at the simple, striking beauty of it ... it's stunning. God chose to create it exactly like that and He cares about every one of them.  Isn't it beyond amazing that He who designed and sustains every snowdrop, every year, sent His only son to die for us, each one of us, individually, despite the fact that we chose to turn our backs on Him and reject Him.  What love is this!

1 comment:

A piece of audio work ~ Sleep To The Psalms

Hi Folks It's been a while and I've decided to reappear to chat some more if that's ok! I've completed a piece of audio work...