Sunday 28 February 2021

Thankfulness ... (for opposition?)

Being British, with all the national reservations that brings, like only showing affection to horses and dogs(!), I appreciate that this may be somewhat alarming and almost more in keeping with our friends across the pond .... but, I do quite often ask my children to express what they’re thankful for on any given day. In fact, I think the American holiday of thanksgiving is something which we should adopt here, over and above things like Black Friday, for goodness sake!

As you can imagine, the responses I get from a 5yr old and two 3yr olds are rather entertaining, sometimes surprising (bordering on alarming!) and quite often very heartwarming. If you haven’t been around young children much and decide to give this a go, don’t be too shocked if they answer with things like poo, wee, Batman, Legoland and paw patrol. Hopefully you’ll also get responses which are slightly more palatable like trees, animals, cousins, friends and each other. What you’re unlikely to get are responses like ‘I’m thankful that I had to share my toys today’... things that are uncomfortable or have an element of challenge.

The point is that there’s always something to be thankful for and at each stage of our lives, what that may look like and be, will vary considerably. A healthy, fit young adult may not even think to be thankful for the fact that they can run ... move the clock forward 70 years and they may be very thankful for the fact that they can still walk with the use of 2 sticks. Our worlds and priorities are different yet if we are Christ followers, there should be some common themes.

In the Bible we are encouraged to be thankful in all things (Eph 5v20; Col 3v15; 1 Thes 5v18) and in all circumstances. There’s a similar sentiment using the words “count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (James 1v2) ... as though we should really be thankful for the times when we are tested in our faith. Thankful for struggles, opposition and the storms of life. Not easy done.

Churchill once said “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” So we should be thankful for enemies because they validate the convictions for which we stand ... adversely, without any opposition, our lives are unnoticeable; somewhat lacking in anything resembling conviction, biblical values and truth.

So yes, let us be thankful for daily provision, protection, health, security and such like, but let us become curious about our own lives in relation to any opposition. 

Are we too comfortable, with no external evidence to others of what it really means to be a follower of Christ? Have we become so conscious of non-offense that we are more like a social group of do-gooders waving a flag of faith above us but essentially we live our lives in much the same way as so many other wonderful, kind do-gooders with little or no faith? What’s the difference? Why would someone look at a Christian as opposed to a gnostic, both who do equally good and kind deeds in the community, and chose to follow the Christian faith and trust in Christ for eternal life? What is it that I have and am not sharing ... have I watered down truth so much that I’m non-offensive and all embracing and therefore no threat to ‘the opposition’?

I fully appreciate that Christ was and is, as should we be, all embracing, in love to everyone. Neither am I advocating becoming offensive in our faith. I’ve just needed to re-examine my own life and challenge myself to become bolder in sharing the truth of God’s word and my own faith story ... truth with love. If I find myself ‘under attack’ as a result, then that surely can be taken as confirmation that I’m standing up for what I believe in ... and therefore I should be thankful for it! We should expect this and challenge ourselves if this is not happening. 

Let us preserve ourselves and each other from apathetic faith. Let us make our lives count for God without fear of reprisal. Read Philippians 1v12-24 and be encouraged by Paul’s words and the effect his imprisonment had on the Christians around ... “because of my imprisonment, most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak God’s message without fear”.

Remember, baby steps are still steps ... I’m going to try one little thing to share my faith this week (no idea what yet! think I need to pray about it). It may feel uncomfortable and possibly a bit scary because I’m not used to it, but if “God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8v31). I do believe we have a great and powerful God ... let us tap into that power to proclaim His name and love.

Ingrid x

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