Tuesday 3 August 2021

Midweek Thought ~ A poem from a friend

I’m privileged to have a guest appearance for my midweek thought in the form of a poem by Alice Kerby, a wonderful friend.


If I were an artist I would travel to the highest point on Earth and paint a landscape depicting the sobering contrast of our size against the awesome majesty of His creation.

I would use every colour, and every colour would still not compare. 

I would become lost on my way home, a wandering babe in the woods torn apart by the thorny wilderness and I would curse myself for ever making the journey.

But God is love, and He would seek me and bring me home.


If I were a dancer I would choreograph a ballet with thirty movements. A spectacular feast for the eyes and an emotive story of grace and forgiveness.

I would use every position I could shape my body into, but every step would still not compare.

My feet would become blistered and bleed and I would curse myself for ever putting on those shoes.

But God is love, and He would heal my broken toes.


If I were a singer I would write a song. A melody taken from the sound of the winds in the trees with words that would reach deep inside the soul.

I would use every note, and every note would still not compare.

My voice would become sore and the words would break my heart, and I would curse myself for ever sitting in front of that piano.

But God is love, and he would flood my heart with joy.


Alas, I cannot do any of these things. But I was a babe in the woods, wondering with blisters on my feet and a broken heart.

A man found me. He led me out of the wilderness.

He washed my feet and bandaged them.

He hugged me, and he threw his head to the heavens and cried “Abba, Father. I have found Your daughter, and she is just as perfect as You always promised.”

And then I knew that man.


And from this day no matter how far I wander, how sore my feet get, how broken my heart is and how much I curse,

He will always find me, heal me and fill me with joy.

Because God is love.

Thank you Alice. ❤️

Ingrid x

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