Tuesday 29 June 2021

Midweek Thought ~ Be a person of truth

Chuck swindoll (Insight for living 25.6.21) wrote:

“We need heroes. I mean genuine heroes, authentic men and women who are admired for their achievements, noble qualities, and courage. Such people aren’t afraid to be different. They risk. They stand a cut above. Yet they are real human beings with flaws and failures like anyone else. But they inspire us to do better. We feel warm inside when we think about this rare breed of humanity. The kind we can look up to without the slightest suspicion of deception or hypocrisy. The kind who model excellence when no one is looking or for that matter when half the world is looking.

I am certain of this—if you are one of those people, then you’re not like the majority. You’re living differently, and I commend you for it. It takes unusual people to make a difference in our world. Mediocre people impact no one, at least not for good. But one person of truth can impact the whole world!”

Do any of you remember that old children’s chorus ... “Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear light. Like a little candle, burning in the night?” It was first published in 1868. The words were written by Susan Warner and the music by Edwin Excell. At the end of each verse the words are simply: “you in your small corner and I in mine”.

Here’s the thing ... if we’re more concerned about others noticing our impact and light in the world, then we may as well shoot ourselves in the foot. It’s only when we are content with representing the light of the world in our own small corners, with the voice of truth, that we would ever be ready to impact further afield. The goal is never to be ‘known’, but to deflect any recognition or accolade to the one who is the giver of light and life. If we can be authentic and full of integrity within our immediate spheres of influence then indeed that truth can impact the world.

As the chorus says ... a pure, clear light ... there’s no room for debris, impurity or hypocrisy... God wants a truthful, honest heart, one that’s happy to serve him in the corner he has placed them.

Never give in to fear ... have courage to pursue what God has given you to do. If you voice truth in love then you will never be guilty of mediocrity, but will be aflame with a passion for God’s work and your light will shine clear, leading others to the knowledge of eternal life.

This life is a journey and as with any journey, it must have a destination. To meander in circles without any hope of arriving, would be a somewhat disillusioning state of existence. To loose sight of our destination and purpose is to thwart any impact or spreading of light to those around us. David Gooding wrote: “If life has an eternal goal, then every step of the journey has eternal significance ... We rob this life of its eternal, and therefore of its most important and enjoyable, dimension ... For eternal life is not a something that we must wait until we get to heaven before we receive it; it is an added eternal dimension to this life”.

I am living eternal life right now! 

“Lord, may the rest of my life here on earth, be witnessed as infused with the scent of eternity. May I be known for your truth and your love. Keep me from the corrosive and cancerous nature of comparisons and covetousness so that I remain content and will always accept that what I have is yours and is best used for your glory. Help me to guard my mind and protect my heart from falsehood and wrong influences ... that my life may be busy with tending to the needs of others and filled with thoughts from your word and in many daily moments, in communion with and chattering to you”.

Ingrid x

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