Tuesday 8 June 2021

Midweek Thought ~ Old Ramblings!

Apologies to Theresa May but when I wrote this, there had only been one female PM! I came across this piece that I had written back in 2012 ...  not even sure now what inspired it particularly but there you go ... not too much has changed me thinks. 

Thought I’d be lazy and share it on as I’m currently feeling particularly rough with what I think is flu. 


A while ago now, on watching the film portraying our only female prime minister ‘The Iron Lady’, I was struck by her conversation with the doctor where she emphatically exclaims “don’t ask me what I am feeling, ask me what I am thinking”. 


The point seemed to be that we can overindulge our feelings, dwelling on them so much that we fail to focus on the bigger picture … life in its fullness, our future and what action we can take to help to change it for the better, to make a difference.


We have for some time now been living in an era that prioritises me, number 1. We are led to believe so much that our feelings, wants, problems and desires are paramount, that the real root to happiness is sacrificed. As wise old Solomon said: “there is nothing new under the sun”, we maybe need to take a step back and review our thinking. I believe it is now time for the cycle to move on a notch or two from self-absorbed introspection to living out true love (actions rather than feelings).


Please don’t misunderstand me, I firmly believe in emotions and feelings being vital to individual and collective well-being, however there can be a danger when these are consistently allowed to dictate decisions and actions (or the lack of). It is often the real-life tough decisions that make the difference for us and our country which if based on feelings alone, would have potentially proved disastrous rather than victorious.


I’ve seen t-shirts that epitomise the sentiment “it’s all about me, get used to it”. While it may be amusing as a passing remark, if we all genuinely believed this then we are no better off than becoming pure anarchists and society would continue on its slippery slope to ruin.


Take the riots in London as an example, I sometimes wonder whether they really happened … I mean, how could they? Yet they did. People looking to themselves and literally just doing what they wanted with no concern for law, governance or others. This was indeed a most public display, demonstrating the degradation of the human heart; however, it does happen constantly, not so visibly, in homes and hearts across our nation.  


I am as guilty as the next person. Going through a marriage break up recently, I ask myself did I give as much as I could, did I try as much as I should have? Or was it all too easy to hide those thoughts behind the more prevailing ‘legitimate’ voices of our society saying ‘what do you feel and want’?; ‘You’ve given it all you can, you deserve to enjoy life and move on’; ‘you’re the most important person, put yourself first for once’; ‘life’s too short, just enjoy it’ (in other words don’t worry about others and if they’ll be hurt in the process, you’re the priority!). Sound familiar?


When you break it down, this argument when taken to its literal end is not healthy in the least. No wonder there are so many broken families, homes, hearts and so much confusion and lack of trust as a nation. Maybe if we took a leaf out of Jesus’ book and “loved our neighbours as ourselves” a little more, thinking of and living for others, we may see more rewards than we’d ever dreamed of both individually and nationally. After all, ‘Love’ is an action not just a feeling, it is a choice.


We should not do this with the expectation of receiving in return but be assured there will be a domino effect. When driving, have you ever noticed how that when someone has let you out of a road during rush hour (you’ve been sat there for a few minutes fuming!), that you in turn are more likely to spot someone else and let them out? It happens all the time.


I truly believe that Great Britain was great because it was a nation founded on good principles (pretty much Bible truth) and as soon as we let these slide, we become weaker and less identifiable. We should not be ashamed of our heritage and we should embrace the truths and principles as a nation to put the Great back into Great Britain. I know we must move forward with the ‘times’ and due to the world becoming a much smaller place this is more complicated than it’s ever been, but we are strong and resilient enough to rise to the challenge. True Brits are stalwarts and if we would just take the time to admit some home truths then put in the hard work (even if it doesn’t mean me first), we would once again become a united nation supporting each other and paving a better way for a future generation. Let us plant the seeds for a better tomorrow.


Get to know your neighbour, see the good in someone rather than relishing the worst, help someone in need and if you don’t know anyone then find someone (it won’t be hard), volunteer at something (yes that means giving your time which is possibly the most difficult thing to give), praise your family, work at relationships, overcome evil with good and always show and be kind … “be kind and compassionate” (Ephesians 4v32, The Bible).


With the economy as it is and the struggles ahead, I think we would all appreciate a neighbourly helping hand. Although giving money to charity is commendable, try to give time and a personal touch, make it real.


Ingrid x


(Written in June 2012)

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