Tuesday 17 August 2021

Midweek Thought ~ Eternal Timeline

Of course it’s necessary and very easy to get caught up with the daily demands of time keeping and scheduling … planning ahead, booking things in and aiming for targets. We have to do these things at home, in work and also for leisure. It is however, very easy to keep the focus there and never step out into the greater timeline of our lives where the higher purpose and true meaning lie.

I (yes me), was thought about before the foundation of the earth! What?! Seriously ponder that … honestly! If I was, then so were you and every other person ever to have life. How is that really possible? And if it’s true, then it provides a huge dimension to our existence and the definition of life on earth. If I was thought and known about in eternity past, then my passage of time here has meaning and is planned, not only for now, but for the continuance of time into eternity.

It kind of gives sense to life doesn’t it? There is a bigger timeline and tapestry of all eternity that we’re each amazingly a part of.

Take a moment or two to rest your head and close your eyes. Think of the vastness of what we do know, for example the galaxies of space … the unfathomable depths of an ocean … the intricacies of human DNA … big stuff, really big stuff. Yet what about the things beyond our human reach, understanding or even remote awareness! We are small and limited, temporarily here, but planned, considered, created and will continue forward into eternity.

My current circumstances, issues and immediate emotions are valid yet fleeting … may require attention and time, yet are not to be obsessed over to the detriment of the wider lens of life.

As much as it may seem daunting and mind boggling to think of our present existence being a wilting speck of time, it simultaneously equates to value of epic proportions as far as God is concerned … so whilst fleeting, every moment here has eternal value and perspective. Wow.

God designed each one of us individually therefore he must have a specific use and ideal plan for us. Listen to the psalmist: “for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (139v13). God spoke to Jeremiah saying: “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” (ch1v5).

“Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes” (Eph 1v4). Before he made the world!!! So before he even made Adam, he had thought about the creation of me and what he hoped for me. Truly makes me shake my head in wonder and bafflement.

Yet for now I am simply going to take great comfort in the fact that my every moment is cherished by my father God who took great delight in planning and creating every aspect of my very being. I have a purpose in my short existence here on earth which will have eternal consequences. I am valuable and of great worth. My past is exactly that, past … but with every breath I take I am entering the future and must chose to see that who I am, what I do, how I show love amongst many others things, will be threads in the most beautiful timeline tapestry from eternity to eternity, woven by God himself. I hope my threads are strong and honourable, able to add beauty, colour and compliment to all those other threads around me.

Ingrid x

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