Tuesday 4 May 2021

Midweek Thought ~ Fighting battles

You and I will face battles.

Consider a battle ... there are usually two sides; we may have preparation time but sometimes the battle can be unexpected; weapons can be involved; pain; conflict; tough decisions; strategy; information about what or who we're fighting; a reason and a purpose; a hope with regard to the outcome; casualties; resignation; victory; grief ... I could go on and on.

I know of many battles from both personal experience and through my friends and family. I will mention a few obvious ones that will undoubtedly be relatable ... health concerns; a child's disability; bereavement; abuse; loneliness; anxiety; depression; false accusation; temptation to sin; addiction; marital disharmony; debt. Many of these involve fear. I often battle within myself that I'm not strong enough to sustain what I want to be ... that I will fail again and let God down. Of course I'll fail in lots of ways, but I don't want to make big mistakes. It's quite easy to focus on the concern or the 'enemy' ... the unknown or the threat.

First, I think we need to know our 'enemy' (whatever it is that we may be battling with) ... what is 'their' weakness and what are your strengths? Learn 'their' nature so that when you confront them, you will not be scared. Fight your war with your heart and not with your 'sword' ... you'll win with your brains and faith, not with your ambition. You can overcome through calm assurance rather than rushing full force into the battle.

We fight battles not just for today but for the future. If I get scared and surrender today, then my children shall tremble at the same 'enemy' years from now. If I keep quiet today, then my children shall listen to the voice of the 'enemy' years from now. If I give in to fear and do not conquer, then I will falter in my faith and begin to loose my hope.

As christians we are armed and can rest assured that God has the outcome of our battle in His purpose and plan. He will not be taken by surprise. His Holy Spirit indwells us and He commends us to "be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand ... stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness ... the shield of faith ... the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit" (Eph 6v10-17). Our God does not need literal swords and spears to save or to win a battle ... take a look at the garden of Gethsemane and then on to Calvary. What looked like a triumph for the roman rulers and religious leaders against God's own son, was in fact a most emphatic defeat ... the victory was God's. They chose their course of action but were mere puppets on the stage of Christ's ultimate, triumphant and glorious rescue mission.

When you face battles in your life, just remember that "the battle is the Lord's" (1 Samuel 17v47). You may not have chosen or like what you are experiencing, it may be painful and blur your vision as to the truth that God is with you, but rather than fear that the final result is out of your hands, use the moment to trust that it could be the very thing which will draw you closer to Him. God's mercy reaches into your storm and will hold your hand. Healing and peace often come through the toughest of trials. Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears.

In the book 'The last Battle' by CS Lewis, Queen Lucy says "In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world". Our Saviour and God is bigger than any battle we may be facing and fighting ... tap into that incredible resource and rest in the fact that despite your fears and doubts, He has gone before and is more than able to find you in your storm, to go with you and to lead you into His plan for your life. Don't give up, but do give in to His presence, protection and peace. 'We are never defeated unless we give up on God'... "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8v37).

I love the lyrics to this song ... Fear No More ~  Building 429:


Ingrid x

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