Tuesday 25 May 2021

Midweek Thought ~ The Importance of being Earnest (Part 2)

So back to George Müller. If ever there was a person who displayed consistently, the act of being earnest in prayer, it could be George. I just want to share some of the little book I'm reading so you can see what he says for yourself. I find it inspiring and challenging but also uncomfortable ... partly because I know it would be healthy to adopt a lot of what he encourages, but I feel I couldn't do it ... or don't have the energy and faith to try it!

A lot of his book consists of dates and notes which say what the current need was and whether God had provided yet or not. George didn't advertise the need, in fact he refused to with his reason being that he wanted others to see that as a direct result of earnest prayer, God would provide for the need without anyone else knowing about it. 

On March 26th 1840 he writes: 
"On the 17th of this month I received the following letter from a brother who had been used by the Lord several times to supply our need. 
"I have received a little money. Do you have any present need for the institution under your care? I know you do not ask, except of Him whose work you are doing; but to answer when asked seems to be a right thing to do. I have reason for desiring to know the present state of your finances. If you do not need the money, other areas of the Lords's work or other people of the Lord many need help. Kindly inform me the amount you need at this present time." When this letter came, we were in need. Nevertheless, I answered it as follows:
"While I thank you for your love, and while I agree with you that there is a difference between asking for money and answering when asked, nevertheless, I do not feel at liberty to speak about the state of our funds. The primary object of this ministry is to lead those who are weak in faith to see that there is reality in dealing with God alone."
After I sent off the answer, I prayed, "Lord, You know that for Your sake I did not tell this brother about our need. Now, Lord, show afresh that there is reality in speaking to You only about our need. Speak to this brother, so that he may help us." 
Today, in answer to my request, this brother sent one hundred pounds. I now have enough money for establishing the infant school and for ordering more Bibles. Also, the orphans are again supplied for a week."

That's the way he was. Now, I know times are different but I also know that our God is the same! So for me it is a challenge around my view of God and how my direct interactions with Him could be so different to what they currently are. All of us still have needs, whether financial or otherwise ... God is still accessible and waiting to listen just as he was to George Müller. Wouldn't it be amazing to have similar experiences?

I just want to share another passage from the book with you regarding time alone with God. This is a right challenge for me! It makes me smile and at the same time shake my head.

September 9th 1839: "I returned to Bristol and to my old habit or rising early in the morning to commune with God ... I want to encourage all believers to get into the habit of rising early to meet with God. How much time should be allowed for rest? No rule of universal application can be given because all persons do not require the same amount of sleep ... Most doctors agree that healthy men do not require more than between six or seven hours of sleep, and females need no more than seven or eight hours ... Someone may ask, "But why should I rise early?" To remain too long in bed is a waste of time. Wasting time is unbecoming a saint who is bought by the precious blood of Jesus ... Just as too much food injures the body, the same is true regarding sleep ... Anyone who spends one, two, or three hours in prayer and meditation before breakfast will soon discover the beneficial effect early rising has on the outward and inward man. It may be said, "But how shall I set about rising early?" My advice is: Do not delay. Begin tomorrow. But do not depend on your own strength ... Trust in the Lord for help ... Rise at once when you are awake. Remain not a minute longer in bed or else you are likely to fall asleep again ... After a few days you will feel stronger and fresher than when you used to lie an hour or two longer than you needed. Always allow yourself the same hours for sleep. Make no change except on account of sickness."

There you go!!

Ok, so being a lone parent to 3 young children who quite often wake me in the night, this is not something I can even get my mind to manage contemplating! The principle however, is something I need to think about. I do think about God and I do pray during the day, but I don't have a specific quiet time where my true dependency on Him for my needs is earnestly shared. I'm more ad hock and can be earnest all of a sudden as the moment presents itself. But I do think that Mr Müller has many good points which would be worth adopting to my own unique circumstances, so that I, like he did, could experience a closer relationship with the God of all the universe who is waiting and willing to commune, provide and bless.

Like David in Psalm 63, I should pray "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you" and in Matthew 9 "therefore pray earnestly to the Lord". There are many mentions of the word 'earnest' or 'earnestly' in the Bible with plenty being in the NT within the church letters. We are encouraged to "love one another earnestly from a pure heart" (1 Peter 1v22) and to "pursue love, and earnestly desire spiritual gifts" (1 Cor 14v1). Our Lord prayed earnestly when on the cross and we see other examples of earnest prayer such as when Peter was in prison ... "but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church" (Acts 12v5). In Acts 26v7 we read about earnest worship day and night.

Quite simply, I am urging myself to become more earnest in every aspect of my spiritual life ... this means becoming more sincere and with intense / zealous conviction ... resolute, with qualities of depth and firmness. It requires time and effort ... less of the 'I'm in a rush Lord so I'll be quickly earnest about this' ... I realise that isn't earnest, it's just being in a hurry or finding myself in a situation that demands a sudden prayer. To adopt state of heart and mind with all earnestness does in fact require that time alone with God, so that my faith inwardly and outwardly, whether in prayer, worship or action, demonstrates sincere conviction and outpours blessing to others.

Ingrid x

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