Tuesday 6 July 2021

Midweek Thought ~ Weariness

It’s probably been rather evident lately that I’ve been preoccupied and lazy at my blog posts. So here’s the deal ... we’ve had a bad cold / cough, my 5 year old is now having to self isolate due to a case of covid in his year, so home schooling once again and I’m trying to pack up this home and move to our new one but slowly as there are jobs to be done there ... so project managing and trying to find trades people to do the jobs as well as keeping the basics going has just eaten up my time and energy some days. I still like to support others and get involved in other charitable causes, so come the evening, I’m somewhat dazed ... add to that that for some reason I can’t seem to sleep much ... I’m having a mini season of weariness.

Now I know full well that it’s so easy to compare in order to either make oneself feel better or worse as the case may be ... let’s face it, I’m not being abused or persecuted; I’m not struggling with physical pain, a new diagnosis or unwelcome prognosis; I’ve not been made unemployed or being evicted and I’m not grieving a loss .... in fact, I am supported and cared for by so many ... I am grateful for so much.

Our own lives affect us greatly because they are our immediate and present reality. It’s ok to feel weary even if there’s nothing too ‘major’ going on. Christ compels us to “come to (him) all you who are weary and burdened, and (he) will give you rest” (Matt 11v28). What a great promise to claim!

When we get run down or are just too busy and tired, we’re often encouraged to reevaluate what our priorities should be and to potentially give up some of the things we currently do. That may well be helpful and necessary, but it’s not always the case. I know I would struggle to give up some of the folk I help or causes I’m trying to get involved in ... they help me in so many ways even if they do use up some of my time and energy. As long as I get time to spend with God and then to prioritise my children and their needs, including their need for my time without being rushed or impatient, then to be involved in the causes of others is the best form of encouragement and is uplifting both emotionally and spiritually. 

Christ doesn’t tell us to take stock and stop doing as much, or to give up helping others and to focus on ourselves more ... he simply says to come to him and he’ll give us the rest we need ... he’ll recharge our batteries and provide the vigour required to keep being his hands and feet to those around us. How can we expect to keep going in our endeavours unless we first find our energy from the source of strength, solace and rest ... Jesus Christ. To rely on our own abilities will result in short lived bursts of activity followed by a regular malaise ... not much help to those we can impact and support! Let us use the unfathomable depths of God’s love, grace, mercy, peace, strength, courage, hope and joy as we live our daily lives to influence those around us.

I love these words from Brandon Heath’s song:

“Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the once forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see”.

So despite weariness, I hope that I can continue to reach out and be available to those around me who need help, hope and a hug. Let’s never be too weary to represent the love of God. Don’t walk with your head down or eyes closed to the needs around you, but rather, look for opportunity to serve and be a blessing every day.

Ingrid x

1 comment:

  1. yes. just yes. weariness is real! (we are moving too!!!) but when His Spirit nudges us to reach out to someone despite our own swirl, He will also grant the resources and energy to do so... hang in there! He knows your heart =)


A piece of audio work ~ Sleep To The Psalms

Hi Folks It's been a while and I've decided to reappear to chat some more if that's ok! I've completed a piece of audio work...